Thank you for wanting to guest post on Magenta Streaks!
If you think you got expertise in blogging, marketing, social media, business, or productivity, or anything in between then ‘be my guest’. If you are a proficient writer, you should just send me a message and I will be happy to publish your guest post.
Looking to submit a guest post idea? Please contact me here!
We especially love UNIQUE (never been published) blog posts about:
- Blogging Tips
- Marketing
- Productivity
- Freelancing
- Business Tips and strategies
- Social Media – Pinterest, Instagram, or Facebook
But, any blog post idea that is helpful for Bloggers is welcomed.
However, preference will be given to those that write UNIQUE Blog Post around these topics:
- Email marketing
- Organic Traffic (Tips and Strategies)
- Work From Home
- Blogging Tips and Strategies
- Make Money Online
Note: not all blog post ideas will be approved.
When you guest post on Magenta Streaks, you’ll get –
- A short and crisp author bio for promoting your blog, social media profiles, and product or services.
- A brand new audience for your blog
- Potential traffic from Magenta Streaks
- Experience writing high-quality blog posts
- The best way to establish a long term relationship with our team
- A do-Follow link to your site
Write a blog post for Magenta Streaks
- All guest posts should be at least 700 words – We find this is a sweet spot with our readership, and you’ll fit in with the rest of our blog this way. Longer is good, too.
- Break up your content, so it’s easy to read. This means including headings, subheadings, bullets, and any other visual elements.
- How to or lists titles ( use subheading H2 or H3)
- All content MUST BE ORIGINAL and UNIQUE. We do not accept duplicate or Copy Past content as guest posts. If your post has appeared anywhere else on the web, we can’t publish it on our blog. If you quote other content, link to it.
- No affiliate links – Sorry! We don’t want pure marketers coming here thinking it’s a free-for-all.
Guest Post Planning
- First, we’ll collaborate and agree on a blog topic.
- Once we’ve agreed on the topic, give me a deadline for when you expect to submit the article for us to review.
- After you’ve written your draft, send it to me as a Google Doc. Use these sharing settings:
- On – Anyone with the link;
- Access – Can edit.
- I’ll make required edits in this Doc, so make a copy if you’d like to keep an original version of your writing.
- Send a short and crisp, couple-sentence bio. This can include a link to your social media profiles and/or your website.
- I’ll let you know when the post is scheduled to go live.
What happens after you guest post?
When your blog post is published on Magenta Streaks, go ahead and share it on all of your social media profiles and on your website.
This will help you grow your brand awareness & services you provide, audience and traffic, and authority in your blog niche.
We will also promote your post on our other blog posts.
Please DO NOT copy your guest blog post and publish it on your blog or another blog.
You retain all rights to your content, but if at any point you decide to publish the same blog post on another website, then, Unfortunately, we will have to unpublish it from our website.
So, to avoid duplicate content and confuse the search engines and benefit neither of the blogs.
If you enjoyed guest posting on Magneta Streaks, we would love it if you guest posted again. If you guest post at least 3 times, we will add you to our website contributor page!
I can’t wait to have you feature on my blog.
Happy blogging!
Ashmita @ Magenta Streaks